JW Sympathizer: See? Jesus was put on a pole the same as Moses' snake, not on a pagan cross!
Mad Sweeney: <sigh>
i'm new to this site, though familiar with it for years, and glad it is here.
i have never been a jw though i was almost sucked in when i was a teenager.
that close call led me to study and research the jw doctrines and teachings so that if i do talk with them i may know their mentality a lot better.
JW Sympathizer: See? Jesus was put on a pole the same as Moses' snake, not on a pagan cross!
Mad Sweeney: <sigh>
why are gossip and slander tolerated?
is this part of the master plan to control the masses?.
It's the main avenue for the elders to find out what people are doing wrong. They wouldn't punish that unless the gossip is about someone they want to protect.
i know they always play 'freedom of religion' card, but from a humanity point of view, would it be possible to put together some sort of a case against this org?.
Charged by whom? The court of public opinion? Sure. They can be found guilty there, too. But I don't see any court taking the case.
The key, as semelcred states, is taxes. France took the right tactic. Russia did not. If everyone goes French on the WTS, where will they hide?
i know what circular reasoning is because i wrote about it, so i know i'm right .
This is one of the greatest thread hijacks I've ever seen.
well, as my suspicious side suspected, my wife has rather suddenly flipped the script on me.
she got confused after i explained reality to her, and by coincidence the elders are now going to do a shepherding call on us.
after having read my e-mail (see 'drawing disciples after myself?
Good plan. Shields first. Torpedos as a last resort.
I gotta tell you that in my opinion you've already won, no matter what happens at this particular call.
the evil slave class are thrown out and start to gnash their teeth.
the fd slave have concluded in the past this applies to christendom and apostates.
i refuse to be labelled as the evil slave class and certainly cannot describe "coming to my senses" as being thrown out by the master.
sd-7 has the interpretation I'm leaning toward. The scripture hasn't been fulfilled yet as far as the weeping and gnashing of teeth goes but the evil slave is present and is beating his fellow slaves.
this has happened several times before, and just happened, so i am curious if it is a common affliction among jws.. there is two of them that told me of what a really great meeting they had, the co came and gave a wonderful talk about the end of the system.. me: "oh really, what were some of the points he made about it?".
dub1: "i can't tell you right off hand, but i know i came out of there feeling it was really a great talk.".
me: [to dub2] "certainly you can tell me some things about the talk.
I have family members with it, too.
There's also an as-yet unnamed phenomenon where a dub can recall a specific event but remain unable to extrapolate it to the entire group. For instance, I have a relative who knows a family who sold a lucrative business, their home, everything, in preparation for 1975 but who can't accept that this was something that occurred all throughout the organization. To her, it was just that one family. This same relative knows about a covered-up pedophile case from the 1970s. Same deal. Can't accept that it happens throughout JWs; it was just one incident.
It's lunacy.
well, as my suspicious side suspected, my wife has rather suddenly flipped the script on me.
she got confused after i explained reality to her, and by coincidence the elders are now going to do a shepherding call on us.
after having read my e-mail (see 'drawing disciples after myself?
Wow, bro. You're a brave soul. I avoid confrontation like the plague and WILL NOT have another shepherding call again EVER. If you remember to post what day the meeting will be, you're likely to have massive numbers of folks here praying for both you and your wife. Hey, I may even put a word in for the two elders and their families; they're victims, too, poor guys.
BTW, Mickey Mouse that pic made me LoL! Awesome!
let me introduce you to a term used in the roman catholic church you may not be familiar with: governing body.
in the roman catholic church the word "magisterium" refers to the teaching authority of the church.
this authority is understood to be embodied in the episcopacy, which is the aggregation of the current bishops of the church, led by the bishop of rome (the pope), who has authority over the bishops, individually and as a body, as well as over each and every catholic directly.
They also had this little thing called the Dark Ages where the rank and file weren't taught to read or allowed to own a Bible.
given the wts constant indoctrination to "do more", i have had productive conversations with jw's about:.
(1) half the worlds population is not being witnessed to so how will god judge these people?.
(2) given people dont know much about jw's, will god judge people based on our 30 second magazine presentation and their reaction to that?
THIS is why people around here love Ray Franz.
He has put into words things that many of us have felt but been unable to work out coherently.
By the way, if they try to tell you that they need to do this ministry because it works so well, try not to laugh in their face too hard. The reason they push the service is twofold: one, to keep people too busy to do other more edifying and enlightening things and two, to keep pushing the literature that brings in contributions.